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January 26, 2011

work[s] in progress

Linking up to WiP Wednesday today ...I love the kind things that community has to say :)

You would think with a name like "Project Planner" this thing would be the cure-all of my unorganized ails.


It is not living up to its name. (Aside - I also list all the stuff I want to make in the immediate future. I am up to 20+ things in the queue and not listed below). The fact that I put up a picture of it tells probably you I did not get much done this week. I am pulling the work card...so busy, mind-consuming, and stressful that I just had no energy left. Here is what I have been working on briefly...

postage stamp quilt
totally looks promising, right? secret: I only finished 3 of these blocks, just to take a photo for you fine folks :)

Other progress made:
Raincoat - finished the basic construction and hood, only after refusing to buy ANOTHER presser foot and playing the makeshift game with a tape-covered presser foot for the laminated fabric, then only to have the tape peel back and elicit a few curse words.

Sliced coins quilt - all I have accomplished is looking at the fabric, it is really pretty. I am sorry :( This is definitely a quilt along in which I want to participate but my week got the better of me.

Not-so-secret February gift for my husband - he knows about it, but he does not know what it is, and I am desperately fighting my can't-keep-surprises personality to...well...keep it a surprise? I will try to post a teaser photo soon!

a big fat nothing

-gift for husband

In Process:
-postage stamp quilt
-sliced coins quilt
-crochet scarf for just me
-monochrome quilt
-first quilt (yep, several years later, still not done)
-memorial quilts

I really appreciate you stopping by! How do you stay organized with your projects and motivated during particularly demanding weeks? How long is your queue?



  1. haha! I feel your pain. My queue? I don't even know. I have about 30 written and then several in my head that I haven't gotten on paper. My motivation is that sewing is my stress relief. It helps me wind down.
    Love your postage stamp quilt blocks. The purple is very pretty!!

  2. Oh my, my queue is garishly long, but I like making lists. I'm kind of a planning geek - a million years ago when I managed a retail store, I was trained in using those Franklin Covey planners, and it's been an addiction ever since. I try to plan about a week in advance, make goals for the week, and that helps me stay on top of things and not feel overwhelmed.

    As for your projects, your postage stamp quilt is looking gorgeous! I love that purple you're using, it's so regal. And your presser foot woes made me chuckle - I've been known to elicit a few curse words myself when sewing. What kind of fabric is your raincoat? Vinyl? Oilcloth? Can't wait to see a peek :)

  3. Mary,
    Your postage stamp block is the first I've seen from the Postage Stamp QA that made me wish I participated - yours looks SO good with the purple & Innocent Crush. Your quilt is going to look amazing. :)

  4. I have 5 finished quilt tops waiting around to get some action and I'm in the middle of finishing another one! I blame Moda. If they didn't have such great fabric coming out on a monthly basis, I'd have more money in my budget to buy backing and batting to actually finish something :P

  5. What is the solid you used with your postage stamp quilt? I love the way it compliments your Anna Maria Horner fabric.

  6. I love the way your postage stamp quilt is turning out! That purple color (what color is it exactly?) looks great with your AMH. I'm jealous of your actual project organizer! Mine are just tons of little scrap drawings that are scattered across my sewing room!

  7. I'm afraid to make an actual list! I think I'll scare myself.

    I'm working on both of those quilt-alongs too! I love the look of the postage stamp quilts, but it's SO tedious! Your Innocent Crush looks awesome.

  8. Hey, three postage-stamp blocks, plus looking at beautiful fabric—sounds like you got plenty accomplished to me. : ) Your postage stamp quilt is going to be gorgeous! Great job!

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday, have a wonderful week!

  9. I like your colors for your postage stamp quilt! Three blocks is a lot! Great job this week :)

  10. I want to hear more about your project planner! That would be such a good thing for me to have too - I have so many ideas floating around in my head, it's hard to keep track of them.

  11. I agree with the people above, that purple is gorgeous! And I don't really like purple much. You're postage stamp quilt looks great. :)
