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January 4, 2011

Winter fancies

I could ponder over what my "first post" should be for hours, but I'll be honest, I will not be coming up with any profound text anytime soon.

Instead, I am just going to start with a project - I will be participating in P.S. I Quilt's quilt along during the month of January. You should too :) who doesn't need another quilt, eh?


  1. Mary, your Knot Quilt is very cool! So glad you linked up with Fabric Tuesday - it was my first time too. Look forward to seeing what else you "grow in your garden."

  2. WHEW ,what a wonderful and inspirational blog you have created ,its rare that I stumble onto a blog and read just like a good book all in one night and into the wee morning hours .I will be here everyday now !!!
