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January 25, 2011

a home for hooks

It's Fabric Tuesday over at Quiltstory again! Everybody and their brother has one of these, but I still love mine!


More Modern Meadow! Did you read the post from yesterday about my grandma? Well, these were her crochet hooks. So precious, so old, so unique. They needed a special home, away from my own hooks, to be admired and used with extra special love. I laid them out on a fat quarter to gauge how much space each hook needed.


I settled on 1 inch, except for the biggest guy, who needed 1.5 inches.


In addition to the plastic bag full of hooks, they just keep showing up in random balls or skeins of yarn from her stash. Some of the hooks are now forced to co-locate. I have found 3 size E hooks from her, plus my own size E.

Have you made a hook or needle holder? What was your design or fabric like?

thanks for swinging by!


  1. This is really lovely, I really like your fabric choices! I have some of my gran's knitting needles which I love. I made a roll recently for makeup brushes which would work equally well for my crochet hooks so going to run another one one up to store them! Pop over and see what you think at http://fairyfacedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/01/make-up-brush-roll-for-facebook.html

  2. I need to make one of these for the knitting needles I got from my mom. Yours is so pretty - I should get to making mine!

  3. That is an awesome idea! I have made one for my kids crayons and color pencils, why didn't I think to for my needles? Great idea!
