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January 19, 2011

work[s] in progress

Trying a link-up with Freshly Pieced today...hoping this little link party will inspire me to get my projects organized! There is a lot going on in my sewing space. Here's a peek.


I know, nothing profound. This is my first block for the monochromatic challenge.  I am afraid to post a whole block for fear that someone will rip it off.  Not that I think it is all that spectacular, but you know...it's mine, and I want it to stay that way! :) Forgive me my uneven corners. Those pieces are 1" wide at the widest...hard to be absolutely perfect, and I am okay with that.

On another note, I took some time to organize my space in hopes that I would be mildly more productive. Now I actually know what I have in my stash. Take a look.

my space

Of note in this photo:
1. See that pile on the far right? It used to all look like that.
2. Old cardboard boxes make great mini-bolts
3. Yes, that picture frame on the left is in fact a beautiful "Target Home" print (aka it hasn't been filled)
4. My husband put up those magnets that say "Mary's Craft Corner." He had to make an extra C from an old O.
5. I know, the hutch is off-center, but look at that pretty [completely washed out in this photo] picture! Part of a husband-and-wife-painting-day collection.
6. I'm still working on taking good pictures.

Next week, I promise I will have a better grasp on all the projects floating around here :)

all things pretty, and thanks for visiting!


  1. found you through WIP Wednesday! That yellow in your monochromatic project is great, so so pretty, and yes, sewing those strips sets seemed like it would never end!!

  2. Awesome! I'm doing the Project Modern Challenge, too. I can't wait to see your beautiful yellow quilt!

  3. Your block looks pretty! Love the yellow.

  4. Very nice block! I love seeing all these monochromatic projects coming together.

    Your hutch is beautiful. So is the painting next to it!

    Thanks for linking up, have a fabulous week!

  5. Love the desk hutch! I love your brick wall too. My fabric is all in a pile like that right now :(
