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January 12, 2011

Apartment fever!

We had the mother of all winter storms in Georgia, only made worse by the lack of snow plows and salt trucks.

ice storm

My hubs and I ventured out for coffee yesterday morning, and got to be front and center as every car fishtailed as it approached the nearest intersection. 3-4" of snow, compacted and covered by a half inch of ice. Yikes. We are going on day 3 of being stuck here.

I am 100% tired of sitting around the house doing work because my job does not grant snow days. I finished piecing this quilt top on Monday night, and I am desperate for some coordinating thread to finish the quilting.

WIP baby girl quilt

This quilt is for a friend of ours who is pregnant with her first child, and precious baby girl. Said friend is such a sweetheart, I really hope she likes this gift, and I really cannot wait to give it to her! So, I am braving the ice at some point today to walk the great distance to the fabric store, then to my office, then home. Here's to hoping I do not end up with a broken bone. This coming from the uncoordinated gal that separated her shoulder in flag football of all activities.

hearts and flowers and all things pretty,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind words on my blog! LOVE all your quilts. What a LOVELY gift for your pregnant friend. I'm a veteran of flag football injuries too, so I'm avoiding the ice and sticking to my couch!
    Nice to meet you Saturday.
