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January 18, 2011

i spy something different

Linking up to Quiltstory's Fabric Tuesday today! I participated in an i-spy swap over at Obsessively Stitching. I love all the different patterns I got, but there were quite a few with similar things on them (like puppies or strawberries). I opted to make this.

i-spy 2

I chose a bunch of i-spy squares with similar items and sewed them all together into bean bags. Then, I made tags that list things that can be 'spied' on the bean bags. All that together makes a fun little game, right? I hope so, anyway... The point is to pick a tag, then search the bean bags for what the tag lists. It is for my niece, but she may just have more fun throwing the bean bags around :)

i-spy 1

Happy Sewing!


  1. Very nice. A great twist on I-Spy! I really like the fabric on the bags too. Happy Sewing!

  2. What a great idea! I have tons of I Spy fabric kicking around - thanks!

    Happy Fabric Tuesday!

  3. So cute! I want to make one. Love it!~

  4. Awesome! I will have to make one for my boys! (Or maybe head over to Lilly's house??)
