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February 21, 2011

memorial quilts

Round 2, because I already made a set of three of them from my sister's clothes in conjunction with gifting [yours is still coming, Nic!]. This 'second round' will consist of my grandmother's fabulously 80s house coats and housewife dresses.

Love. Synthetic bliss. I debated just keeping a few to alter and rock out on the street. But I must live in this century, spread the love, and give some memories to the rest of the family.

My plan is to make a thousand-million HSTs and organize them in different patterns for each quilt (at last count, 8.) To that end, I have been cutting squares like it is going out of style, because by the time I'm done, they probably will be out of style. Or at least I will be sick of them.
stack of gma fabric thus far

I've seen a few HST quilts out there, but I would love to hear / get links to some of your favorites! Thanks for swinging by :)



  1. Hey cuz! I have loved reading your blog:) I didn't know you were this much into crafts!!! I have yet to finish my first quilt (mom's helping with backing) and chenille blanket....still on my to do list:) Love the idea of the grandma quilts. Wish we lived closer so I could come by and help you with some cutting! Will be in touch soon via email with some other details.
    PS Loved the raincoat - how COOL!

  2. What an awesome project! I can't wait to see how it turns out.
