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February 22, 2011

boy things

Linking up to Fabric Tuesday at Quilt Story today!

I go wild for a lot of things, not the least of which is fabric. My husband is amazing and lets me buy a lot of it with our budget ('lets me'...HA...so 50s) Regardless, we can just say that my hobby is a priority for both of us, and he does not reap enough benefits. Until now...
tie for my man

I took a Boxers and Ties class at Whipstitch Fabrics just in time for the month of love. Sadly, I am not a patient hand sewer, so I came up with a way to finish this voile strip at my machine. Still needs a good press, and a little skinny for his liking, but I am going to make the pattern wider for the next one. He especially likes it because it is easy to tie and doesn't slip too easily like silk.

Speaking of skinny...I also finished his pair of boxers. The pattern I received at the class was for the 'average' man.  Sean is quite a fit person and measures a little/lot smaller than average, so I asked for my pattern to be altered a bit. It went very well with a bunch of flat Fell seams until he so excitedly tried them on. Way. Too. Small. My nephew will probably be getting these for Christmas next year since they are more appropriate for a 2-year-old than my husband.

too-skinny boxers

What kinds of things do you make for your man?



  1. Ghat is great that he is able to reap from your hobby! I have only made a Penn State pillow for my husband. One day, he will get a 'man' quilt.

  2. well good for you...I make my husband supper every night...lol...kidding with you....I don't sew for him...only make quilts and things...but I do mend for him...does that count Mary????

  3. Bahahahaha! I am imagining the look on both of your faces when you figured out the sizing issue. Funny!

    I make the fiance food. And money. And I feel he can't ask for anything more as I have no talent for sewing or anything else!

  4. Unfortunately, nothing sewing-related. Every so often I'll mend or hem some of his clothes, but that is about it. It actually frustrates him because he knows and has seen the extent of my abilities.

  5. The boxer story is too funny! My husband was covered up in my voile quilt the other day, and he said that it wasn't warm enough for him. I interpreted that to mean he wants me to make him a man quilt!

  6. Cool! I love the tie...I have no patience for handsewing either! My husband never wants me to make anything for him, even anything sports-themed, lol.
