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February 23, 2011

patchwork of sorts

Linking up to WiP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced...go check out what everyone else has been up to!

I took some time off from sewing this weekend to cook with my husband.  We did an 'iron chef' style challenge on Sunday, with chocolate and strawberries as the not-so-secret ingredient(s). I chose chocolate baklava as my dessert, and when I finished it, I realized why :)
patchwork dessert
Doesn't it just look like a culinary patchwork of HSTs? I laughed at myself after cutting it up!

Anyway, focusing back on sewing...last week, I finished another jacket, and now I am working on three more. Apparently 4-year-olds grow out of their jackets quickly and have a real sense of fashion (along with their mommas)?
more coats

Notice my (gasp!) paper scissors on the table. Yep, my nice, expensive, spectacularly awesome fabric shears are out of commission. Haven't heard yet if they are repairable, but the top shear is bowed inward. It made for a really sad Monday. These were a Christmas gift, and a new pair of scissors won't be in my budget for a while.

I also started cutting for the memorial quilts (how I discovered the broken scissors) and did some piecing for my monochromatic challenge quilt. [still trying to not reveal too much!]

monochrome challenge

-innocent crush runabout jacket

-three more runabout jackets (2 pint-sized)

-sliced coins quilt (no progress, still need to get batting!)
-crochet scarf for just me
-monochrome quilt
-first quilt
-memorial quilts
-Hideaway quilt

 Thanks for stopping by! I'm excited to see what you have been up to :)



  1. Ooohhh...that baklava looks delicious & just like HSTs!

  2. You're right, it looks just like HSTs, that's too funny :) So sorry to hear about your scissors, I sure hope they can be fixed!

  3. How much time do you spend sewing daily? weekly?

    I'm impressed with all of your projects! I have one project: Get a job. Two new apps out this week!

  4. You are a jacket-sewing machine! I am so impressed, those cannot be easy. And that baklava looks insanely yummy. Send some over here for my breakfast? : )

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week!

  5. I'm awe at your clothes making spree. I wish I was inspired to get my mannequin out and make a couple of new dresses.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh the cooking looks too delicious..wish I could sample.....
