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October 28, 2011

it was feverish

I relapsed a bit, but for good reason. We sold our [costly-repair-bill] car, so we're now carless, and everything just takes a little more time (no complaints!). We also took a last-minute camping trip to North Georgia, and then we took turns being sick. Feverish part I.

And then my parents' fall craft shows really snuck up on me (slash I bought fabric in March and waited until October to make anything). Feverish part II. I was responsible for making some home accents, mostly revolving around the kitchen. I finally sent off the round-one package today, just in time for show #1 next weekend. Here's a little sneak of a bit of what they'll be selling.

rainbow mitt

as much as I love me a rich more-than-six-color rainbow, these aren't being sold together. bummer!

I have literally been in front of my sewing machine for as much as 12 hours per day, so I'm taking a little breaky-break. I'm sure that really means I will be back at it tomorrow.

Happy weekend!

October 3, 2011

a new purse-wallet

I guess I will call it a purllet.

flex frame purse folded

I was inspired to make this double-flex-frame purllet by this really expensive clutch and a friend who had a double-framed wallet.

The fabric was a scrap given to me by a friend who had a skirt/dress made out of it in Ghana by this company.

flex frame purse open

I added a flush zip pocket to the inside to store goods and used the same technique to add a cash pocket and card slots (I lined the card slots with laminated cotton to help the cards stay put). I also inserted magnets to keep the purllet closed when not in use.

The flex-frame pockets are made with a recycled tape measure rather than an actual flex frame [because I am too impatient to wait and cheap to pay for them to be shipped to me], and one pocket contains a zippered change pouch.

flex frame purse side pockets

Thanks to this tape measure for giving its life to this awesome little accessory. The remaining portion of the tape measure is underneath all that duct tape - I learned my lesson in securing it when it shot across the living room :) (I used a narrower 12' tape, not the 25' one) (PS, these things are harder to destruct than one would think.)

homemade flex frame
I was so happy to move into this new purllet - it's so convenient and the perfect size for all the regular items.

I'm contemplating writing a pattern for this guy :)

Happy Monday!