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October 28, 2011

it was feverish

I relapsed a bit, but for good reason. We sold our [costly-repair-bill] car, so we're now carless, and everything just takes a little more time (no complaints!). We also took a last-minute camping trip to North Georgia, and then we took turns being sick. Feverish part I.

And then my parents' fall craft shows really snuck up on me (slash I bought fabric in March and waited until October to make anything). Feverish part II. I was responsible for making some home accents, mostly revolving around the kitchen. I finally sent off the round-one package today, just in time for show #1 next weekend. Here's a little sneak of a bit of what they'll be selling.

rainbow mitt

as much as I love me a rich more-than-six-color rainbow, these aren't being sold together. bummer!

I have literally been in front of my sewing machine for as much as 12 hours per day, so I'm taking a little breaky-break. I'm sure that really means I will be back at it tomorrow.

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, so impressed that you made all those (they look like potholders) items for the kitchen. They do look so pretty all stacked together. Wish I could attend that craft fair as I would snap a bunch of those up so quickly...
